Monday, November 14, 2005


Education in Indian bschools seems to be about a lot of pointless BS which attracts a section of people who after joining it only gravitate more towards that kind of BS.

At a certain top b-school that I visited recently, I had the chance to interview a few profs from whom I was expecting a good mature conversation about the general management education scenario in the country. I was appalled to hear them talk utter nonsense disguised under jargon. Being the impatient one, I cut the interview short bluntly with a couple of them after they gave me horrifying goobledoock like "augmenting competencies which seem profound at the conceptual level but are immensely essential variables in terms of personal value addition."

All I had asked them was, "Why does a b-school need a festival?"

Hello!! Why couldn't they state their thoughts in simple words? Are the profs in our best b-school such pathetic communicators? To make things worse, this disease is contracted by perfectly normal students. It renders them into brainless duds who begin to talk like one of those text-to-speech conversion software programs. Do these guys even listen to themselves talk? Who will have the time to talk to such people in the corporate world?

There was this extempore competition happening during the visit with participants from top b-schools contesting. It was so depressing to see that none of them was having fun. With grim faces, they were talking total nonsense like "Lord Buddha said this, Vivekanand said that, Gandhi said so-and-so" for commonplace topics like 'Some people are alive because it is illegal to kill them.' It is okay if you deliver such a speech in class VIII in school. But at 23?? Excuse me! Doesn't anybody in the system realise how pretentious it all is?

Whatever happened to common sense?


Anonymous said...

Man.. what have I done to you.. you sound like me now .... hahahahhahahahahahahahahaa :P

I promise, some day me gonna write as well .. :P .. dil mein bahut batein hain .. loads of bitching to be done ;)

N said...

Love your puns!

And hey Allwin, he sounds like any B-schooler who has the sense to see things as they are. We have a long way to go to get rid of globe and gas (terms for the very same goobledook) and replace them with common sense and simplicity.

By the end of 2 yrs in a b-school, most students become automated jargon generators. They can speak extempore about anything and everything, sounding intelligent, meaning nothing. Superficially interesting, fundamentally irrelevant! Oh yeah, they are also superb at quoting famous people :D

Anonymous said...

Have you heard ppl say education is signalling? Management education is nothing but that. You thought ppl generally are rational, naaah :)

V said...

The challenge is to not lose it despite the numerous pressures to. BS gets ppl places, so it stays.

Look at Bhars for instance. If I find sth crap that ppl seem to be ooh aahing abt, I just dial B for Bhars, and get reassured that what I thought was BS is BS indeed.

Subrahmanyam KVJ said...

Very well put Bhars...Apurvji, u forgot the first commandment...Thy shalt always try to sound more global (steal the thunder or be a bundar) than thy neighbour ;)

Anonymous said...

@pg: seriously man, i have never so much nonsense-per-second in my life! :)) but dood, you must take care to not be termed Inciter of violence due to disillusionment inside campuses!

@neeta: Superficially interesting, fundamentally irrelevant.. I like that!

@bhars: ah.. Madame B from A herself! your point makes me wonder: how easy it is to justify anything ? ;)

@vishy: hehe.. i too know now who to make a B-line to whenever i come across these specimens again :D.
seriously, all this just for an IIM sticker on the forehead? that is 'some' system! :D

@urMad: steal the thunder or be a bundar :))

Canary said...

hav u heard this one, "the more the number of jargons in ur board-room presentation, the faster the hike in the number of zeroes in your pay-pak" ?
by the way, jus saw dat u tagged me, acche bacche aisa nahi karte..

Anonymous said...

Well this post makes me feel better abt the fact tht i never went to one ;)