Friday, September 30, 2005

Fodder for the green men!

Finally, higher education in Bihar has received its long awaited shot-in-the-arm through the route of foreign-university collaboration. A university in the UK has started a course in Astrobiology. Astrobiology, as the discerning mind would immediately grasp, is man's age-old hunger to search for alien life.

The course, besides studying astronomy, will also examine 'popular culture, including films like ET and students will also study obscure texts' related to extra-terrestrial life.

Aliens according to popular culture and obscure texts (and lately definitive literature like 'Men in Black' and 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'), are strange looking people who disguise themselves as people and clandestinely mix with the Earth public and work from inside to destroy humanity via economic and social misdeeds.

Now we know for sure where to find these Aliens... among the politicians of Bihar! Hence, the students' field trips and live experiments are largely going to be in Bihar. Now the question is, will these students do enough research to help these Aliens find their way back home?

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